Learn To Skate Program

The Ice Mine offers multiple programs for kids of all ages who have a desire to master the skill of ice skating. We use a world class program that provides all participants an atmosphere that is both positive and fun in order to achieve their goals, whether they are to simply learn to ice skate for fun or to become a hockey player/figure skater.

Our instructors are trained professionals who have a passion for ice sports. Their infectious attitude will give beginners a much needed comfort level to succeed, while keeping each class fun and rewarding.

The fundamental objective of all of our Learn To Skate Programs are:

  • To provide a fun and safe skating experience for the beginner as well as the more advance skater

  • To teach correct technique of the simple basic elements of skating

  • To promote a healthy activity and physical fitness

  • To enable all participants to achieve the skills necessary to either skate for fun, to move into our Learn To Play Hockey Program, Figure Skating Program or to join an amatuer hockey organization.

For more information on any of our Learn To Skate Programs, please don’t hesitate to contact the skating director directly.

Program Director:

Jeff Fleck


External link opens in new tab or windowtheiceminecv@gmail.com